How to increase your iPhone's battery life with iOS 9

How to increase your iPhone's battery life with iOS 9

Amongst iOS 9's new features (some of which have been received better than others), Low Power Mode is one of the most useful.

You've probably already seen the notification if you've upgraded -- once your phone's battery drops below 20%, Low Power Mode turns on, cutting down on background app refreshing and visual effects to make sure you get the most out of your remaining juice.

Once you charge your phone above 80%, Low Power Mode switches off and you get the full functionality of your iPhone back.

However, if you want to get the most out of your battery all the time, there are ways to manually switch Low Power Mode on even when your iPhone's fully charged -- potentially extending the amount of time you get on a single charge by several hours.

One of the easiest ways is just to ask Siri to turn it on for you. Alternatively, swiping left on the home screen notification when the mode has been turned off brings up a button that allows you to switch it on again.

Going to Settings >Battery >Low Power Mode will also let you switch the battery-saving feature on and off as you please.

Apple hasn't said how much extra life you get out of your phone in Low Power Mode, but in an in-depth test by Wired magazine found that the battery lasted 1.43 times as long with the mode switched on.

So, if your phone usually lasts 12 hours on regular mode, keeping it in low power mode could extend that to somewhere in the region of 17 hours. Obviously battery life depends on how much you're using your phone, but having a few hours of extra power is always going to be handy.

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